The boys did pretty good, except my 2 1/2 year old Liam. Not surprising though, he would rather do ANYTHING but sit and smile for photos! And bribes, no matter how great, usually don't work. Even food!! I did come prepared with mini M&M's in my back pocket, and did break them out. It really didn't help. He wanted the candy and still didn't really sit or smile! Maybe once, but that one time, you guessed it, the baby isn't looking or the Mr. has his eyed closed!!! I'm like every mom, I want the impossible, a perfect family photo, with adorable color coordinating clothes, a beautiful backdrop and lovely smiles for all.. yeah, I know, get real!
So on this cool November morning, we met a photographer, outdoors for something different for us, and set out to find a confined space where it wouldn't look like a scene for the Wizard of Oz tornado. Wind blown hair in photos= not a great look.
We found a spot, defiantly not my first choice, but it was a secluded bike path with pretty green and fall leaves as a backdrop, tried to snap a few and in the end we did get some good ones of us all #win So there will be a card after all!
Now to shop for holiday cards. I am suuuppper picky. In the past, I usually have done cards using photos from throughout our year to highlight birthdays, vacations, or momentous occasions, but this year will be a change. I will just use the holiday photos we took on the cards. I have always wrote a letter to include in the card so I plan to do that again this year. Shopping for cards can be fun and frustrating.. I'm a -the more the pictures spots, the more I like it- kind of gal..
Here are some of the cards I've been eyeing. There is a front runner. Think you know which card I'm leaning towards?
Happy Friday Friends!!
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