Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Catching up with Us- Part 1- Me

So I started this blog 4 years ago to document the happenings of our life together. Our family was smaller, some things were simpler and we were still enjoying newly married life together... I thought it would be fun to do a series this week in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday on all thing us- The Palik's. A kind of get-to-know ya if you will.Considering I have nothing more to be thankful for that the three faces I am blessed to see first thing each and every morning.

Today is all about me...

I am Megan, an Aquarius (any other January 27th out there?)  a full time working mama to two sweet boys, married to the love of my life. We met when I was 16, dated 9 years and was married in 2007 when I was 25. I work in corporate finance as a contract employee for a fiscal intermediary company and on site at a large non profit hospital in our city. My commute to work is gloriously no more than 10 minutes, how's that for small city living. We live in Lincoln Nebraska.

LOVES: shopping, scrap booking, crafting, jewelry making, baking, traveling, organizing, fuzzy blankets and socks, fancy coffee drinks, purses, scarves, the color pink, chocolate and desserts. Good movies, staying up late, sweet white wines and summer time.

LOATHES: cooked carrots, beets, bad drivers, liars, slow internet, commercials, and milk.

I am stubborn, a perfectionist at times, can be bossy (hey, I can't help it, I was the oldest!) not great at spelling and the queen of typos.

I grew up in Idaho with my mom, step dad, and two younger sisters, Hannah and Libbie. Along with a menagerie of cats and a few dogs. I was very active growing up in soccer, dance and skiing.

I also had siblings in Nebraska, where my parents were from and I was born at. My dad also re-married and I have a younger sister and brother as well, Shelby and Derek.

So there you have it, a little more about the lady who runs this blog :0)
More tomorrow on how I met the Mr. and our I do's...

Are you getting as excited for Thursday as I am??

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